viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

A contury that is very interesting to me!

A country that is very interesting visit to me is Cuba. The reasons are that I want to see with my own eyes the life style, the thoug way, summarying the culture of the people and the social organization of this country, because as everything ir regulated of very defferent way to are regulated the things in our context all the things should be very differente to that  we are used to see. I have listened very different opinions about this country, someones hava said that is an ideal country, that every people have their basic necessity filled because the state sure them, the exist a democracy but is different why there is a one plitical party but inside them the people have rights to elect his representants and declare their opinion in relation to the social decisions etc, by other hand other peoples have says that the material shortage is ver stronge, that the most of its population are in sisagreement with their political leaders, that there is not expression freedom, and thus the people have fear to say the thing that they think and give their opinion, that their political system are corrupted, etc. I think that in both opinons current thare are true things, but I wanted have my own opinion product of a direct experiencie, because only with the direct experiencie yo can see the for in wich your thoght way undestand ceratin social reality.  

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