viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

My loved free time!!

Well in this moment I have no spare time, it is due to the fact I am ending my term, and I didn`t organize my time along the year and now I am paying the consequences. Also It is due to tha fact that I am so slow and distracted  at the moment of studying, but I am hopping and I think that at the end all will be right.
Well, I like to do many things when I have spare time, I like to go out with friends, visit them and see movies, drink, talk about  life, listen to music, go to dance etc. Also I like to do other things like to read novels - to get funny, not to think so much like about university- , to see films, to walk  in the city, to travel to nearby places like Valparaíso or San Felipe, where some friends live, or visit parks around the city.  If I  had more free time I would begin to write, in  fact since  much time ago I have wanted to make a  play, and try to perform it, I don´t care that it be only amateur theatre but it is very exciting to me, it is like a game.  I have talked with some friends about this and we need to have free time to meet up and start.

1 comentario:

  1. yes! I also need time to share with my friends. Walking at the parks is a very good way to relax, the contact with the nature, the peace, but when the place is to crowded it is not so good!
